Sunday, March 18, 2007


So, you ask, "What's possessed you to try this? If you want a deposit, why not just go to a casino; or buy a Tatts Lotto ticket? Or get a better paying job?" I mean, fer-cryin-out-loud - there's so much beer that going undrunk while you make a giddy fool of yourself in public!

(Yes - you, the one looking at these points right here ----> : ..... you did ask that)

And in response, I sit you down, pass you a tissue, and embark on a tale of woe and sordid betrayal.

It all began many years ago - even before I was born ... even before you were born... in fact, even before Time. And then Time invented itself, the dinosaurs came and went, the Kama Sutra was written, Beer was discovered and through a confluence of last two world-changing events, we came to be.

Next thing I know, I find myself at university. Nothing had prepared me for this. Nothing, I tell you, nothing at all! I felt like Sirius Brontosaurus (nice guy - though he never quite recovered from that experience with the meteor), in his last days - lumbering through a wasteland searching for true meaning among the chaos, or at least another dinosaur from the fairer sex.

University is strange - you don’t know why you're there, you get fed a bunch of stuff you can't use, and you accumulate a lot of expensive junk along the way.

Like books; and I never much used them either - preferring to rely on my 'Superior commonsense' (hey, I passed, right - so roll those eyes elsewhere)

And the stuff you really need - like hot dates, or el-cheapo scalped tickets - you cant seem to get enough of 'em either.

Anyhoo, one thing led to another. Someone hired me, I worked for awhile. Then I quit, and someone else hired me. Then, I quit again and came to Australia to drink more beer. In fact - to drink free beer (membership of certain university clubs has its privileges).

And, as you would, I met someone and stayed on. Of course, now we need a place to nest, and that’s the kicker, see - house prices are insane. And I mean nuts! Our combined income is about $80K. The median price for a house is about $360K. Our combined savings (net of debt) as of Jan. 1, '07 was $20K. Our average age is 31.

See the problem?

Now I’m fairly confident the situation is not going to change. House prices aren't going to halve, and our incomes aren't going to double anytime soon. Taking on a humongous debt that we can barely repay is not only stupid, foolish and suicidal, it's also out of the question.

But - and this is the moment of inspiration folks, savour it - drastic times call for drastic measures. Hence... this.

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